Don't be like the pastor who broke down his body with fasting and became so sick he died. The poor fellow suffered so. He was a wonderful man, but nobody could help him, because he wouldn't listen.
6 Pushing to Extremes
Don't be like the pastor who broke down his body with fasting and became so sick he died. The poor fellow suffered so. He was a wonderful man, but nobody could help him, because he wouldn't listen.
You see, your body is still mortal. It hasn't been redeemed yet, and you are going to have to learn to take care of it. I learned that lesson early. When I first started preaching, I didn't have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but I did believe in divine healing. I was pastor of a little church in the country and had an extra job on the side. One day I was working outdoors and knew I was getting too hot. I knew I ought to stop. Something on the inside of me—the inward witness—told me, but I didn't listen to it. I went right on, and had a heat stroke. My heart stopped, and I nearly died. I had Full Gospel people lay hands on me and pray for me, even though I was a Baptist. You know, I couldn't get a thing until I repented and said, “Dear God, I repent. I'll never push my body to that place again.” The minute I made that promise to God, I rose up perfectly healed. Since that time I have refused to push myself to that extreme. I've been right in the middle of a healing line, realized I was physically getting to that place, and stopped and walked off. I've told the people I can't violate my conscience and break my contract with God. Someone might say, "We'll just pray God will give you supernatural strength." Some people have the craziest ideas about these things; they believe you ought to be a superhuman. Did you ever notice Jesus again and again departed from the crowd? His body was also flesh, blood, and bone. He got just as tired as anybody did. The main thing in all the affairs of life is to be led by the Spirit of God. Some people try to make a religion out of fasting. They push themselves to an extreme, thinking works will get the job done. But I don't believe in religion; I believe in Christ and life in Christ. Don't get involved in works. Let the Lord lead you. Take some time to fast and wait on God as the Spirit of God leads you. Feel free to obey Him. I went to one place to hold revival, and we had the greatest revival in the history of that church. Sunday School doubled and church membership tripled. The pastor said night after night, "Boys, I just marvel at God moving in such a way. And we haven't even fasted." He was trying to put it back on works; he thought works would get the job done. But I went believing God. God honors faith. That's the thing God honors more than anything else.
You see, your body is still mortal. It hasn't been redeemed yet, and you are going to have to learn to take care of it. I learned that lesson early. When I first started preaching, I didn't have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but I did believe in divine healing. I was pastor of a little church in the country and had an extra job on the side. One day I was working outdoors and knew I was getting too hot. I knew I ought to stop. Something on the inside of me—the inward witness—told me, but I didn't listen to it. I went right on, and had a heat stroke. My heart stopped, and I nearly died. I had Full Gospel people lay hands on me and pray for me, even though I was a Baptist. You know, I couldn't get a thing until I repented and said, “Dear God, I repent. I'll never push my body to that place again.” The minute I made that promise to God, I rose up perfectly healed. Since that time I have refused to push myself to that extreme. I've been right in the middle of a healing line, realized I was physically getting to that place, and stopped and walked off. I've told the people I can't violate my conscience and break my contract with God. Someone might say, "We'll just pray God will give you supernatural strength." Some people have the craziest ideas about these things; they believe you ought to be a superhuman. Did you ever notice Jesus again and again departed from the crowd? His body was also flesh, blood, and bone. He got just as tired as anybody did. The main thing in all the affairs of life is to be led by the Spirit of God. Some people try to make a religion out of fasting. They push themselves to an extreme, thinking works will get the job done. But I don't believe in religion; I believe in Christ and life in Christ. Don't get involved in works. Let the Lord lead you. Take some time to fast and wait on God as the Spirit of God leads you. Feel free to obey Him. I went to one place to hold revival, and we had the greatest revival in the history of that church. Sunday School doubled and church membership tripled. The pastor said night after night, "Boys, I just marvel at God moving in such a way. And we haven't even fasted." He was trying to put it back on works; he thought works would get the job done. But I went believing God. God honors faith. That's the thing God honors more than anything else.